信任钱包apk官网下载 信任钱包下载:安全方便的数字货币处理器用

信任钱包apk官网下载 信任钱包下载:安全方便的数字货币处理器用


2. Enable two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your wallet by requiring a second form of verification before accessing your funds. To enable two-factor authentication in Bither Wallet, go to the settings menu and select the "Security Settings" option. Follow the instructions to set up two-factor authentication using an authenticator app or SMS.

The first layer of security in Bither Wallet's cold storage technology is a hot wallet that is connected to the internet for easy access and convenience. However, the private keys of the hot wallet are encrypted and stored in a separate device, ensuring that they are never exposed to the internet. This prevents potential threats such as phishing attacks and malware from compromising the security of the wallet.





此外,信任钱包还维持与硬件钱包的兼容,用户可以将信任钱包与Ledger Nano S硬件钱包等硬件成就进行继续,进一步提升数字钞票的安全性。而且信任钱包还提供了备份和规复功能,用户可以通过助记词等神志进行备份,即使手机丢失或损坏,也可以轻便地规复我方的数字货币钞票。
